Allendale NJ Hospice and End-of-Life Care

Life Source Services hospice is the leading Allendale end-of-Life hospice provider providing a range of end-of-life services to the Bergen County community, including Allendale. Throughout this website you will find out more about hospice, what makes Life Source hospice special, and what to anticipate from our hospice team. However, this information is not exhaustive and that’s why we encourage everyone interested in hospice end-of-life information in Allendale to call us. We care about providing correct and helpful advice about hospice services and end-of-life options to the entire New Jersey community.

Fun Facts about Allendale New Jersey

Life Source hospice has compiled various interesting facts about Westwood, New Jersey, which could be helpful for learning more about hospice services in the area. Let us know if there are additional facts you would like to research or include.

  • Total Population: 6,900
  • Median resident age: 42 years old
  • Estimated per capita income: almost $55,700
  • Estimated median household income: almost $129,000
  • Median household price: $655,000

How do I get in touch with Life Source about hospice services in Allendale?

We offer several ways to contacts us:

  1. By phone: We are available by phone at: 1.888.865.5103
  2. By email: We are available by email:
  3. By contact form: This is the fastest way to send us a message. Fill out any of our forms and we’ll contact you soon!

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