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Parting Words

In this post, we share an article from our newsletter series.

My dying mother said, “There are some things I want to tell you before I go”. I thought, “ah, finally. A ‘Terms of Endearment’ moment”. She continued, “Make sure the tassels on the curtains don’t get caught in the washing machine.“
Although this unemotional verbal interchange was consistent with our relationship, I still felt cheated by not having the scenario I had seen in movies and read about: one final opportunity to share meaningful words of love, advice, and forgiveness. I drew some comfort from reading a New York Times opinion piece “Dying, With Nothing to Say,” which had a different take on deathbed conversations. The author interviewed various writers’ families about their loved one’s dying words. A large majority of writers, usually eloquent with words, didn’t express any deep or
insightful feelings as they neared death. Contrary to our expectation that when someone is dying, a new, honest, generous space of communication opens up, some relationships and personalities aren’t significantly transformed. The
dying person may also not have the physical/mental capability to express him/herself nor the amount of time to compress into a few words, the unspoken feelings of a lifetime. For other families, impending death does provide moments of forgiveness, explanations , reconciliation, and feelings felt but rarely talked about. Years later I received what I was hoping for. I found an unusually expressive, old note from my mother thanking me for a gift that I had given her and more importantly, for being a daughter she was proud of. Finding this note reminded me
that life usually doesn’t follow a script and we (both the dying person and the surviving loved ones) all have our different ways, time frames, and comfort levels for sharing ourselves with others.

Please look out for future posts featuring stories, advice, and highlights from our New jersey hospice newsletter.